Nature & technology combined

Plant ingredients
for your innovative

PANMOL® raw materials – nature’s little marvels for nutrient preparations and foods

Without plants, there would be no life as we know it. They serve not only as a habitat and oxygen producer, but above all as a food source. Humans, in turn, are dependent on a daily supply of high-quality, unprocessed food rich in essential nutrients.

Plant-based PANMOL® nutrients combine knowledge, nature and innovation and represent a valuable alternative to laboratory vitamins. The patented PANMOL® production process is usually based on quinoa – formerly known as the “gold of the Incas”, today known as the world’s smallest natural vitamin factory.

Food supplements and foods with PANMOL® offer added value in terms of quality and nutritional medicine and therefore the perfect USP for innovative and contemporary products.

Unique nutrient complexes

The botanical alternative to synthetic raw materials

Due to their holistic, botanical composition, the high-quality raw materials are known as PANMOL®. PAN means “all” in Greek, MOL goes back to the Latin term for mass “moles” and particles “molecules”.

PANMOL® raw materials serve to cover the complete requirements of a wide range of micronutrients and trace elements.



The mood makers: a complete complex of organically bound, biologically active B vitamins from quinoa sprouts.

To the product

Panmol® NADH


The energy kick: uniquely stabilized NADH through a natural coating of vegetable fat, beeswax and chlorophyll.

To the product



The vitamin bundle: botanical vitamins from quinoa sprouts, acerola cherries, Blakeslea trispora and sunflowers.

To the product



The vitamin boosters: individual, biologically active vitamins from organic quinoa for targeted nutrient intake.

To the product


Panmol Pflanzen

We've learned from experience: innovative products need customized ingredients. Customized solutions can be evaluated if required.

To the product
Specially developed manufacturing process

The production of PANMOL®

All quinoa-based raw materials are produced in-house according to the patented manufacturing process established in the Lungau, in Salzburg.

Quinoa seeds from controlled Organic cultivation are mixed with a nutrient solution containing vitamins. During this fertilization and soaking process, the quinoa absorbs the nutrients. The germination of the quinoa seeds is then initiated under standardized conditions. During the germination process, the nutrients from the starting solution are absorbed into the plant cells and partially converted into their biologically active forms.

After completion of the germination, the nutrient-rich quinoa is thoroughly washed, dried and ground.

Our image clip illustrates this unique process.

What is special about PANMOL®. Your USP.

PANMOL® offers a great variety of benefits for innovative products such as

  • the botanical nutrient complexes
  • the complete composition
  • the unique variety of effects
  • the standardized micronutrient content
  • better bioavailability
  • the patented germination process
  • the versatile, technical usability
  • the wide range of applications in the food supplement and food sector
Unique nutrient complexes. Plant-based.

As evolution has shown, plants could exist without humans, but humans could not exist without plants. Why? Because plants have an outstanding ability: They are able to form micronutrients that they need for life, growth and regeneration themselves by converting solar energy.

We humans, on the other hand, have to consume essential micronutrients (daily). More and more scientific publications are confirming the health benefits of plant-based nutrient complexes compared to synthetic vitamins and trace elements.

Alternative to laboratory vitamins. PANMOL®.

As a logical consequence of the above findings, the vis vitalis gmbh research team has made it its mission to develop unique and innovative nutrient solutions since the 1980s. Thanks to the special germination process, the patented PANMOL® raw materials are biologically active, complex and more effective for longer than isolated micronutrients from the laboratory. This special diversity provides the human organism with a complete supply of vital substances – in a way that only plants can offer.

The vis vitalis gmbh:

Pioneer in the field of plant-based nutrients

About us
News from PANMOL® research

News & Stories


Our PANMOL® NADH was presented in issue 1/2024 of the renowned trade journal Vitalstoffe...

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PANMOL® NADH: the energy kick

Whether you're doing sport, overcoming jet lag, writing an exam...

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Photovoltaics - the path to energy independence

Not only under the roofs of vis vitalis, but also on the roofs of...

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